Meeting of new Spiritan superiors in Rome
The new spiritan superiors met in Rome to prepare themselves for their new leadership role.
Congregation of the Holy Spirit | Rome
The new spiritan superiors met in Rome to prepare themselves for their new leadership role.
Pope Francis has appointed the Spiritan Fr. Altevir da Silva as Bishop of Cametá, in the Brazilian state of Pará. Fr. Altevir is the Superior of the Spiritan Province of Brazil.
The international novitiate community in Paraguay, accepted the invitation to elaborate this year’s novena of Claude Francis Poullart des Places, reflecting on the theme of Community life: basis, strength and principle of our mission.
Spiritan Superiors and formators from Africa and the Islands together with representatives from the Generalate in Rome, met for their bi-annual meeting from 22nd until the 27th August 2017, in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo.